Ocula FT80 Double Glazed

FT80 is a fully glazed frameless partitioning system that combines design aesthetics with outstanding fire and acoustic performance, offering specifiers the opportunity to create partitioning without vertical mullions to a maximum height of 4000mm.

Fire Performance
•   Up to 60 minutes Integrity and Insulation
•   Can be specified and installed to meet the demands of 30/0, 30/30, 60/0, 60/30 and 60/60
•   Tested and independently certified to BS 476

Acoustic Performance
System 8000 can be specified to a range of acoustic performance characteristics, tested to BS 20140 and, depending on the project, can provide up to 49dB if required.

•   Single Glazed up to 37dB
•   58mm Double Glazed up to 45dB
•   105mm Double Glazed up to 47dB

System 8000 can also be specified as twin glazed to provide up to 49dB sound attenuation. For further details contact our technical team.

Strength and Stability
System 8000 can be specified to a range of structural performance characteristics tested to BS 5234 can provide:

•   ‘Medium’ duty
•   ‘Heavy’ duty
•   ‘Severe’ duty